Friday 24 September 2010

a boring post

Ah, at last a bird on a post. But this week has been trully bad. Two good friends have died and I've spent hours battling the wind for no good result.

When you spend time searching for returning Short eared owls or passing raptors the endless scanning means most of the fence posts become very familiar to you. Some of my best friend are fence posts!

Somewhat sad I may say but they can trick you so just beware. I know of many that look like sitting owls and one that in low sunlight resembles a perched Kestrel.

If you know your patch well you'll have a close relationship with your fence posts and personally I favour the straining variety. Rugged, sturdy with an angular slant!

Well what a surprise, a post that supplies precisely what it says on the tin.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about boring post but i have used a post borer.
    Having erected quite a few fences in my time , i know fence post when i see one. It's the plastic carrier bags that have me reaching frantically for my binoculars.
