Saturday 13 April 2013

Buteo battles

Out in warm sunshine for a change the promise of migrants didn't materialise with ten singing Reed Buntings being the most notable feature and only three singing Chiffchaffs on a three hour walk but three Buzzards made for interesting viewing on the way home as they called and sparred high above the Carr.
Gently soaring they would circle each other then one would narrow it's wings into a shallow stoop and pounce on another who would respond by turning up to face the attacker.
Had it been in focus this would have been the classsic shot so I've pastelised it in Photoshop. Tonight, smarting that West Hartford had Willow Warblers before Prestwick Carr I was listening to oueet calls near the goats trying to decide Chiff or Willow when a splendid Swallow with long tail streamers flashed low over my head. Splendid to see him back.

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