Friday 13 September 2013

Hot Thursday

The warm sun of Thursday brought a late bloom of life at Banks Pond. Three emperors chased whilst Common and Ruddy still flew in small numbers with Emerald the most common damsel. The good butterfly year continued with three male and two female Common Blues and my fifth Speckled Wood of the year. Some new critters as well with these two being the most colourful.
Having spent all summer photographing every bug and beastie I can find to compile a patch species list I can now look forward to six months trying to identify them all before the process starts again. My current tentative suggestions for these are Leafhopper Cicadella viridis and Caddis fly possibly Limnephilus lunatus.


  1. Peter, you just beat me to a Thursday at Banks report

  2. Better to have a Black Darter than be the early bird!
