Friday 6 March 2015

Barking up the right tree

Chatting away to a builder today giving him the dubious benefit of my bird knowledge it was nice to see two Treecreeper, a Goldcrest and a Nuthatch in the magnificent pine next to us. 'Here' he said 'have you seen this' and he took me to another pine down the drive where he showed me a polished recess in the bark with a small patch of droppings below. Having just seen the species responsible and re-calling seeing how Treecreepers roost face in to the bark of a tree I surmised this must be one of their roost sites.
There were another two close by, all at around head height (that's 5ft 8 for short arses like me) and between the access road and two driveways where cars and people would pass just two feet away. Worth a try later to see if I can catch the owners in residence.
The main residence was somewhat grander but I'm sure it will surprise many who know the area that this splendid town house, one of a terrace of eight, is actually in Riding Mill.

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